We offer substance use treatment services to meet your needs, guiding you from use maverick house sober living through your recovery journey. Recovery is a day-by-day journey – we want to help you get started. We understand that everyone’s needs and circumstances are unique. Complete an initial intake assessment with one of our behavioral health […]
The ability to communicate openly about peer influences empowers teens to make informed decisions aligned with their values. One of the first steps in saying “no” to adult peer pressure in recovery is to build a strong support network. Surround yourself with individuals who understand and respect your commitment to sobriety. Having a reliable support […]
Buchman was a minister, originally Lutheran, then Evangelist, who had a conversion experience in 1908 in a chapel in Keswick, England, the revival center of the Higher Life movement. As a result of that experience, he founded a movement named A First Century Christian Fellowship in 1921. This came to be known as the Oxford […]
Slowing down your mind with a guided meditation video promotes mindfulness and helps you ground your thoughts in the present moment. Whenever people ask me how to relax after a hard day, taking a hot shower always comes to mind. It can involve mentally going over what you’re looking forward to in the rest of […]
Recognizing the need for change often involves reflecting on the negative consequences that alcohol abuse has had on various aspects of life, such as relationships, work, health, and overall well-being. It may also involve identifying patterns of behavior that indicate alcohol dependence. Many people include this stage as the final step in the path to […]